IMEBESS has started as a succession of the International Meeting series on Experimental and Behavioral Economics (IMEBE), and had an inaugural meeting at Nuffield College, University of Oxford in April 2014, followed by the second meeting held at the Institute for Advanced Study at Toulouse. IMEBESS intends to bring together researchers in all areas of the social sciences who are interested in experimental methods. We believe that behavioural economics is increasingly informed by a very diverse range of research traditions. Hence, we are particularly interested in the participation of all the diverse social science disciplines with an interest in experimental and behavioural research. The program consists of a number of invited and contributed talks. In the past years, the meeting has attracted more than a hundred contributed talks, and we believe that IMEBESS 2017 will be another exciting event for all scholars and practitioners interested in experimental and behavioural research.
The invited speakers include:
- Sarah Brosnan (Georgia State University)
- Laura Fortunato (University of Oxford)
- Rebecca Morton (New York University)
- Roberto Weber (University of Zürich)
Proposals for contributed papers should be sent, in the form of an extended abstract or a full paper, to the organizers through the registration form at the IMEBESS website.
Both theoretical and empirical papers on the topics in all areas of the social sciences, such as experimental and behavioural economics, sociology, political science, psychology are encouraged. The deadline for submitting papers is 31 January 2017 12 February 2017. Authors will receive notification of acceptance on 28 February 2017 04 March 2017.
There will be a registration fee, which will be announced in due course with additional information about the meeting on the IMEBESS webpage.
We hope that this conference will be an opportunity for participants to know other researchers in their own field as well as other related disciplines. For that purpose, the program includes the following social events:
- 27 April: Welcome reception
- 28 April: Conference dinner
Preconference Workshop:
This year we will also be holding a one day workshop on open and reproducible research practices on 26 April, prior to the start of the conference. The workshop will be free for IMEBESS attendees, but spaces are limited. Information about the workshop and how to register is available here.
Important dates:
- Deadline for submissions:
31 January 201712 February 2017 - Notification of acceptance:
28 February 201704 March 2017 - Deadline for registration: early registration (20 March 2017), late registration (3 April 2017)
- Preconference Workshop: 26 April 2017
- Conference dates: 27-29 April 2017
Conference Affiliations:
Universitat de Barcelona
Nuffield Centre for Experimental Social Sciences (CESS)
Past editions:
We have a Facebook page. Please visit our event page here:
For more information contact us at: